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Medway DPW

Medway DPW

Medway DPWOwner- Town of Medway Designer- Helene- Karl Architects GC- Colantonio INC Contract- 600,000+ OPM- VERTEX NEW CONSTRUCTIONThe new multi-building facility project includes a 33,000 square foot office/vehicle storage building; a vehicle parking canopy; a salt...

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Attleboro DPW Garage

Attleboro DPW Garage

Attleboro DPW GarageOwner – Town of Attleboro GC- Wes Construction Contract Value 600,000.00+ Designer- RGB Architects 28,000 sq ft New ConstructionNew plumbing system along with 30 new trench drains. New gang bathrooms for office staff and DPW workers.  Scope of work...

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Fall River DPW (Garage)Owner- City of Fall River GC- Biszko building Systems. Designer- William Starck Architects Contract- 400,000+ New construction 28,000 FQ FTThe project includes administrative offices, indoor parking garage, automotive service/wash bay facility,...

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Revere DPWOwner- City of Revere GC- GVW Construction Contract – 800,000+ New Construction Designer- The Liro Group 40,000 SQ FTThe new DPW Facility will replace the existing facilities and will allow the City to consolidate the vehicles from the various Divisions/...

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