Holbrook PreK-12-School

Owner – Town of Holbrook
GC- Consigli Construction
Contract- 3 million+
Designer – Flansburgh Architects
New Construction
218,000 SqFT

Town of Holbrook’s new preK-12 school, which will consolidate the District’s three aged, undersized educational facilities into a single location. The project is the first wholly new preK-12 school built in the Commonwealth with funding from the Massachusetts School Building Authority.

Work began with a year-long feasibility study that analyzed multiple school sizes and grade configurations including preK-8, grades 6-12, grades 7-12, and finally a preK-12 facility. The study also considered potential regionalization with a neighboring town, and the new school will be able to accommodate that option in the future, should the Town opt to proceed in that direction. Opened in 2017, the project was designed by Flansburgh Architects and built by Consigli Construction Company.

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